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Oil Exploration Jobs, Oil Rig Jobs, Pipeline Jobs, Oil and Gas Refinery Alaska Oil Jobs and Canadian Oil Sands Jobs. We cover it all.

We have compiled the absolute best set of resources to help you secure your oil industry job. We tell you exactly what to expect, provide the means to research the best employers for your needs, and provide you with insider tips to help set you apart from the other applicants.

OilJobFinder will teach you all you need to know about working in the oil and gas industry. You'll get an detailed overview of the entire industry, honest and frank portrayals of the working conditions, interviews with people who petroleum related jobs, a detailed list of job descriptions, information about safety, detailed employer profiles with hiring information for hundreds of oil companies, and links to resources you need. You also get full access to our exclusive list of featured jobs. These are jobs that employers are actively hiring for right now and is updated numerous times every week!

The information compiled in the Members Section of our site is the ultimate resource for petroleum industry job seekers. Our writers have conducted in-depth research and have knowledge of the oil industry because they live and work in oil industry hotbeds. Subscribe to the Members Service, and you'll get the whole scoop. You'll not only be better prepared for an oil job, but you'll also be able to impress prospective employers in an interview with your extensive knowledge.

What Do Members Get That Others Don't?

As a member you'll receive immediate, full access to: can help whether you're looking for an oil rig job, roughneck job, petroleum engineer work, or any other position in the oil and gas industry.

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To prepare you for your job search we have created this website filled with over 180 pages of informative materials that will help you on your way.

Whether you're a college student studying engineering, a recent college grad, experienced or inexperienced oil industry job seeker, you'll find plenty of job opportunities with oil companies we profile.

Oil Job Finder is your gateway to oil industry information.

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